The day was a great success. We had about 400 young folk attend throughout the course of the day, and about 200-250 people there most of the time.
We had hoped for 400 atendees, and so it is nice to meet your targets.
There were 2 really good bands that played, and some people with HIV gave their stories from the stage, which was really brave, and had a really good impact. there were also a couple of really moving plays, and a main speaker. In the afternoon there were 7 different seminars, and I gave one of these on the basics of HIV. I'm not a big fan of public speaking, (even those of you who know me quite well are surprised?!) but the talks went quite well I think.
At theend of the day there was a candle lighting ceremony, and everyone sang, and waved their candles in the air for this. It had gone dark by that time, and so it was a really effective way of creating the right atmosphere. We ended by singing "shine a light in every corner of the world".

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