Monday, September 03, 2007

Chris and Ruth's Wedding

Now, finally, I sit down to continue the record of our time in the UK.
The reason we went back when we did was for my brother's wedding on 9th June. Chris (my youngest brother) and Ruth were married in Guildford and are now living in Sheffield.
It was a fantastic, really fun day and, for us, a great chance to see lots of family for the first time in a while. The kids loved seeing their other cousins, and were very excited by the bouncy castle at their disposal all day! What a great idea! (Enjoyed as much by some adults as by the kids I hasten to add)
This photo is a rare one of all the Simkins plus partners and children together (minus Rory, my brother Paul's eldest, who was playing in the tree at the time - a more appealing option for a 3 year old boy than a photo shoot?!). Many of you will recognise who's who.
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