Sunday, July 23, 2006

Bad News

Dear all,

I have recently recieved some bad news, and would appreciate your prayers at this time. Last Tuesday my father found he had a growth in his large bowel. This Thursday he is going for further tests. Some part of me wishes to be at home in the UK with my family, but another part of me knows that many people here would suffer if I weren't here in India.

It was particularly nice that when I heard the news of my fathers condition one of my patients could see that I was upset, and came and prayed for me, and gave me words of encouragement, saying that I had given him so much hope and encouragement, and now he wanted to do the same for me.

Thankyou for your prayers for dad. No matter what the outcome, we have the assurance that he knows our lord Jesus, and that gives us hope and faith in the future, whatever it holds.

While we were home, our pastor gave a message about God being a God of the valleys, as well as a god of the hills, and at the time it really spoke to me. Now I know that God will remain with the Black family through whatever valleys we must now go.

Please note that jo and I have no internet access at home at the moment, and so it will be more difficult for us to answer your emails, so please be patient with us.

God bless you all, and thankyou for your prayers

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