Friday, January 18, 2008

Christmas morning

Our own living Christmas tree, complete with decorations, beside the swimming pool. There was also a huge nativity scene in which Baby Jesus (who looked about 16 but heh) was placed at midnight on Christmas Eve and the lights put on.

My own very happy memories of waking on Christmas morning to find a stocking at the end of my bed were re-lived through Alistair and Freya this year. Especially Alistair who really understood and was excited by it all. Freya was just excited but had no idea why!!
I feel compelled to add that, when asked the question "Who do we remember at Christmas?" Alistair did say 'Baby Jesus' and, despite all the brainwashing to the contrary, did not say Santa Claus (Phew).

But heh, 'Granny Santa Claus' can't do any harm!

I really like this photo of the Black men on our porch enjoying the vibe on Christmas morning. A bit early for some but we were all happy!
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