Many of you will know that Adam, myself and the kids spent Christmas in Goa this year, along with Adam's Mum, Dad, younger brother Cameron, sister Inga and Cameron's friend Andy.
On arrival at Mumbai airport we were promptly informed that our flight was overbooked and that we would have to wait 3 hours until the next one. After much debate we managed to land an upgrade to Executive Class with a free lunch and use of the Executive Lounge. Don't suppose we'll get that again in a hurry - not with 2 small kids at least!
Here Freya is enjoying the full stretch of her Executive Class seat! Just a shame the journey only lasted an hour! Personally I was most taken with the TABLECLOTHS we were given when our in-flight meal was served! (You can tell I don't get out much).
The men in the family made the most of the super-duper massage chair in the Executive lounge.
I, with my more pessimistic approach to life and Indian bureaucracy, was initially frustrated with the inefficiencies and lack of apology from Indian Airlines. However, Adam's Mum was right all along in suspecting that God might be in it! Had we made the first flight we would not have met up with Cameron's friend Andy. He was meant to be meeting us at the airport having come straight from London that morning. With his London flight significantly delayed he would have arrived to find us gone and also to discover that his flight was not, as we thought, the same one as ours anyway! Instead we were all still at the airport and Adam was able to help sort out a new ticket for Andy on the same flight as us. Lesson learned. God was in control and we all got quite a good deal in the end (even if it did take 10 hrs door to door -about the same as driving to Goa as it turns out!).
After an eventful journey we finally arrived at an airport that was displaying more 'Christmas Cheer' than anywhere else in Thane! It's hard to know who was more excited by the Christmas tree, the kids or yours truly. . .