Friday, November 30, 2007

Bangalore continued

Sorry about that random diversion to the "who needs a truck" thread, it's just that I took that photo in Bangalore, and just happened across it just now! Below are a few more pictures of Inside some of the sessions at the conference.

There were 150 delegates. The maximum number that we could accommodate. Nice group of people, many of whom were already doing some form of care for people with HIV/AIDS. The problem here in India is that there is so much need, that people don't know where to start. In some ways it makes sense for people to say "well those people are going to die anyway" or "why should we help them, it is their own fault". I have unfortunately come across these attitudes too often. One church pastor even asked me "why are you trying to help these people, when God has already shown them his judgement"!!! I was pretty gobsmacked by that one- what did Jesus do when he was on earth? He went round healing the sick, cleansing lepers (HIV today is equivalent to leprosy in Jesus time)

The opening ceremony. It was blissfully short thankfully. On occasion, these ceremonies can take up half the time allotted to a program. It seems that everyone has to be thanked, and everyone has to be given flowers, and then everyone that has been thanked has to give a speech to thank the thankers for thanking them, and while they are at it, thanking everyone else again too. It is even more lengthy and protracted than the above sentence in real life, let me tell you!

Yours truly in full swing!

Everyone had an opportunity to use some educational flip-charts that we were given. Very useful for use in the field. Many pastors go to outlying villiages with no electricity or running water.
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