I have been back at work for a week, and have lots to say about that. there is enough really exciting stuff to talk about to fill several postings! So I think I will just write several postings on different topics over the next few weeks!
However, this is just a short note to tell you of an amazing co-incidence, or as I like to call it a 'God-incidence'.
Jo's parents arrived here on Saturday, and we all went to the airport to meet them. As we waited outside the airport I looked to the right, and was absentmindedly scanning the many A4 signs saying such things as "ACME TOURS WELCOMES MR. & MRS. N.E.BODY". Suddenly I did a double take, as I saw a sign saying simply "PAUL AND JEAN DOBBING". For those of you who Don't know, Paul and Jean are a couple from our home Church in Glasgow. Jean has lived in Nepal before, and had connections with a school there that Jo volunteered in for 6 months in 1997. Jo was actually in a prayer support group for Jean in Glasgow!
Anyway, Both Jo and I only knew Jean as "Jean Weir" which was her maiden name, but last week a friend from our Church sent me an Email saying that they had a service to say goodbye to Paul and Jean Dobbing who were going to Nepal! I emailed back saying that I wasn't sure that I knew who they were unless that was Jean Weir as was, and got a prompt reply saying this was the case.
Then amazingly it turns out that they arrived at Mumbai International airport 5 minutes after Jo's parents, and I happened to see the message for them being held up, and I only heard their new names a few days before, otherwise the sign would have meant nothing to me!!
It was sooo nice to wait and meet them. They are doing 2 months training in a Place called Pune which is only 3 hours from us by train. We're thinking of visiting them for a weekend, and they're planning to visit us for a few days at the end of March.
Here are some words from the start of an email that I recieved from them today:
" Hi Adam and Jo, it was really great to meet you at the airport on Saturday. We thought that was amazing and that it was such an encouragement to us. Thank you for waiting in the heat and sorry you had to wait a while. It really helped us though to come off the plane and see you all there. I thought God did that - it is a kind of assurance that He is going ahead of us - that is what we feel. "
That's also what Jo and I feel, as God is repeatedly sooo faithful to us here.
I'll be back in touch again soon, with more news about some interesting developments at work.
Lots of love, Adam