Hello again, thanks for reading our blog!
We've had a good week and feel like we are starting to settle into a bit of a routine now. Freya is feeding really well and sleeps for long spells between feeds which is good. Last night Jo fed her at 11.30 and then she only woke up for one more feed at 4 which was fantastic. She doesn't seem to be as sicky as Alistair was at this stage. She is just adorable - we love her to bits and still can't believe we have a daughter!! Alistair continues to be really besotted with her and loves to kiss and cuddle her. Went out for our first shopping trip with her yesterday which all the Indians thought was horrfying! Traditionally new mums here lie in bed for a month and have everything done for them! They seem to treat childbirth as an illness. They also have lots of definite ideas about how to dress (warmly), hold, feed the baby etc. I just smile and inwardly disagree!
People here have been so kind to us this week. God has blessed us with a meal every day! Folk from church and neighbours have popped in with stuff and been really sweet. It's amazing, being so far from friends and family and yet having folk who hardly know us looking out for us. God is good.
Adam has taken 2 weeks paternity leave from work, which will work OK, as Dr. Sheba is there in the mornings, and there are no in-patients again this week. It has been amazing how God has provided busy spells when the team is at full strength, and quiet spells when we are depleted!